Welcome to my Website!

Still working on some basics. Slow and steady, y'know? haha...

Currently learning HTML and CSS, and eventually JavaScript, with the help of Frontend Masters Bootcamp.

My hobbies include:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

Return to index here.

standard index page can be found here!

This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

With the help of Neocities

200 mine count minesweeper game. 42 width, 20 height.

-left click to reveal tile

-Right click to place flag

-"R" key to reset

1. this is filler test content, testing to see how I can manage making multiple columns of paragraph text on the same row

2. this is filler test content, testing to see how I can manage making multiple columns of paragraph text on the same row

3. this is filler test content, testing to see how I can manage making multiple columns of paragraph text on the same row

4. this is filler test content, testing to see how I can manage making multiple columns of paragraph text on the same row

5. this is filler test content, testing to see how I can manage making multiple columns of paragraph text on the same row